Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 1 tsp canola oil

  2. 1 1/2 cup wheat, bulgur, dry

  3. 2 cup low sodium chicken broth

  4. 8 oz canned garbanzo beans

  5. 1 each medium onions

  6. 1 cup fresh broccoli florets

  7. 1 cup shredded carrots

  8. 1 each medium bell peppers

  9. 1/3 cup chopped parsley

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Heat canola oil in a large skillet. Add onions and cook until soft.

  2. Add bulgur and stir to coat. Add chicken broth, bring to boil.

  3. Lower heat to simmer. Add broccoli, carrots, bell pepper, and garbanzo beans (chickpeas). Cook 10 minutes or until liquid is absorbed and bulgur and vegetables are tender.

  4. Add parsley and stir. Serve warm or cold.


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