• 8servings
  • 300minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B3
MineralsNatrium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1. 4-5 Kg of Chuck, shank and brisket. or Round piece (buy on Special)

  2. 2. 4 large onions pealed, 2 sliced and 2 quartered (4 Cups)

  3. 3. 1/2 cup of olive oil (the cheapest kind)

  4. 4. 2 table spoons dried rosemary

  5. 5. 10 cloves garlic pealed & diced

  6. 6. 10 pieces of cloves

  7. 7. 5 bay leaves

  8. 8. 1 table spoon freshly crushed black pepper

  9. 9. 1 table spoon coriander powder

  10. 10. 1 stick of cinnamon (2 cm long)

  11. 11. 10 pieces of green cardamom (slightly crushed)

  12. 12. 1 Black cardamom (get from an Indian store)

  13. 13. I star anise (do not break)

  14. 14. 4 large potatoes washed and cleaned

  15. 15. 4 large carrots pealed and cut in large pieces

  16. 16. 2 zucchinis washed and cut in large pieces

  17. 17. 1/2 cup white vinegar

  18. 18. 3 cups of water

  19. 19. 1 cup of yogurt

  20. 20. 1 table spoon of tomato paste

  21. 21. 5 small red dried chilis

  22. 22. 2 table spoon salt

  23. 23. 1 table spoon sugar

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Wash the chuck, shank or round cut of meat.

  2. stab with a sharp small knife 10 times a cross in different places 3. Heat oven to 200 degree Celsius 4. Prepare a roaster big enough to take the Roast.

  3. Place all the vegetables at the bottom of the roaster 6. Rub some olive oil on the chuck roast 7. Mix yogurt and tomato paste with a bit of olive oil and some vinegar with all the powdered dried spices and then rub on the roast 7. Add all the water and vinegar and any liquids in the roaster 8. add remaining yogurt mix and all other remaining spices and other ingredients over the vegetables in the roaster 9. Cover the roaster and place in oven for 2 hours 10. Remove from oven and turn the roast over 11. Place back in oven for another 2 hours 12. Check for liquid in the roaster, if it is about to dry out add 1-2 cups of boiling water 13. After total of 4 hours in oven check the meat by sticking a fork in it and twisting it, if it turns easily, then it is done, if not, turn over the roast again add 1 cup of water if required,cover the roaster and place back on oven for another 1 hour 14. Check the meat once again, if done remove from oven and turn over in the roaster and keep covered.

  4. . Remove, cinnamon stick, black cardamom, star anise, bay leaves. Spoon out all vegetables on a separate dish. Scoop all the gravy on a serving pot and keep warm 16. Serve the meat with vegetables and a bit of the gravy.

  5. . Serve with my Pluto Rice Recipe. ENJOY


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