Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -- -- --

  2. --Crust--

  3. 2 c chocolate wafer cookie crumbs

  4. 1/4 c granulated sugar

  5. 1 stick margarine -- melted

  6. --Filling--

  7. 8 oz pkg fat-free cream cheese

  8. 12 oz tub Cool Whip Lite. topping -- thawed

  9. 2 c water -- boiling

  10. 2 4 serv pkgs orange gelatin

  11. 1/2 c water -- cold

  12. ice cubes

  13. --Decorations--

  14. 1/4 c chocolate wafer cookie crumbs

  15. 7 rectangular shaped sandwich cookies

  16. 7 oval shaped sandwich cookies

  17. decorator icing brown, green, orange, -- & white

  18. candy corn

  19. candy pumpkins

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preheat oven at 350. Prepare a 9 x 13 x 2" pan with cooking spray andflour. To prepare crust, combine 2 cups cookie crumbs, 1/4 cup sugar, andmargarine in a small mixing bowl. Press firmly into prepared pan. Bakefor 10 minutes and then chill. To prepare filling, combine cream cheese,remaining sugar, and 1/2 cup Cool Whip in a mixing bowl. In anothermixing bowl, combine boiling water into gelatin until completely dissolved.

  2. Mix cold water and ice cubes together to make 1 1/2 cups. Stir ice waterinto gelatin until thickened. Remove any remaining ice cubes. Spoongelatin over cream cheese layer. Refrigerate 3 hours or until firm.

  3. Spread remaining Cool Whip over gelatin layer. Sprinkle with remainingcookie crumbs. Decorate as a "grave yard" by poking sandwich cookies onend into dessert. Decorate the cookies as tombstones with the decoratoricing. Scatter candy and pumpkins around the surface.


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