• 4servings
  • 75minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B1, B3, B6, B9, C
MineralsSelenium, Natrium, Chromium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Lamb rack 1

  2. Bulgur wheat 12 Cup (8 tbs) , steamed

  3. Harrissa paste 2 Tablespoon

  4. Eggplant 1 Cup (16 tbs) (peeled, diced, and lightly salted for at least 1 hour or overnight)

  5. Brined cucumber/Pickle 12 Cup (8 tbs) , thinly sliced

  6. Baharat 12 Cup (8 tbs)

  7. Sumac 14 Cup (4 tbs)

  8. Parsley 14 Cup (4 tbs)

  9. Garlic 1 Clove (5 gm) , slivered

  10. Tehina paste 14 Cup (4 tbs)

  11. Lemon juice 1 Medium

  12. Mint leaves 1 Tablespoon , chopped

  13. Olive oil 12 Cup (8 tbs)

  14. Kosher salt 1 Teaspoon

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Directions GETTING READY 1. On a chopping board, cut two lamb chops off the rack. Season both sides of the chops with kosher salt and baharat. Reserve at room temp.

  2. Remove the rest of the loin off of the bone and trim away any excess sinew and fat. Slice the loin into 2 equal peices.

  3. Take one piece and dice into large chunks and season with kosher salt.

  4. Mince the remaining loin into bruinoise sized pieces and add an ice cube. Add and mix together the bulghur wheat, harrissa paste, lemon, and olive oil. Season to taste with kosher salt and parsley. Set aside until the ice cube dissolves.

  5. MAKING 5. In a medium sauce pan on high heat, add the large chunks of lamb, and half of the remaining olive oil and brown on all sides.

  6. Add the garlic and the eggplant and stew until the eggplant is tender. Add the tehina, pickles, the rest of the parsley, and kosher salt to taste. Keep warm.

  7. In another medium saute pan on high heat, sear the lamb chops with the rest of the olive oil for about 4 minutes on each side or until they are cooked medium rare . Remove from the pan and rest on a plate for 5 minutes.

  8. SERVING 8. When ready to plate, spoon the lamb tartare onto one side of the plate. Dallop the lamb stew in the middle of the plate and add the rest of the lamb chop on top. Garnish with fresh sumac and chopped mint and serve.


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