Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. yellow onions garlic extra-virgin olive oil salt pepper chili flakes beef salt pepper milk bread crumbs coriander cardamom seeds turmeric cinnamon chilli lemon grass ginger chicken broth coconut milk lime

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. In pan:

  2. closely dice yellow onion

  3. closely slice garlic clove

  4. T of EVOO

  5. Salt & Pepper to taste

  6. Low Heat

  7. In a mixing bowl:

  8. pan out ground beef

  9. Salt & Pepper to taste

  10. hand mix beef

  11. pan out ground beef in mixing bowl

  12. In pan:

  13. season in handful of dried chili flakes for 2 min

  14. or 4 T of milk into small mixing bowl of bread crumbs

  15. take milk/bread crumb mix and mix into ground beef

  16. mix pan mixture into beef mix

  17. mix all together

  18. tight squeeze & roll golfball size meatballs

  19. freeze excess meatballs

  20. Warm a saute pan with 1 T of EVOO

  21. place meatballs gently into oil

  22. Add small handful of coriander

  23. Add 3 or 4 cardimon seeds, lightly crushed

  24. touch of tumeric to center of pan

  25. pinch of cinnamon

  26. couple of dried chilis

  27. large stalks of lemon grass, crushed and chopped into 2" sections

  28. thinly sliced fresh ginger

  29. turn over meatballs

  30. chicken stock in

  31. add heat

  32. add coconut milk in

  33. check seasoning prior to simmering

  34. broth up to boil

  35. simmer gently for 8 min

  36. add zest of lime to meatball

  37. squeeze fresh lime

  38. Finishing:

  39. small ladel gently broth into serving bowl

  40. meatballs into serving bowl with broth


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