• 4servings
  • 60minutes
  • 320calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates
VitaminsA, B1, B2, B3, B9, B12
MineralsCopper, Natrium, Chromium, Calcium, Iron, Sulfur, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 egg white , lightly beaten

  2. 1/4 cup KRAFT Grated Parmesan Cheese

  3. 1 tsp. garlic salt , divided

  4. 1-1/4 lb. Yukon gold or russet potatoes (about 4), cut into thin wedges

  5. 1 pork tenderloin (1 lb.)

  6. 2 Tbsp. KRAFT Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing

  7. 1 Tbsp. honey

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. HEAT oven to 425ºF.

  2. MIX egg white, cheese and 3/4 tsp. garlic salt in large bowl. Add potatoes; toss to coat. Spread onto large greased baking sheet.

  3. BAKE 15 min. Add meat to baking sheet with potatoes; sprinkle with remaining garlic salt. Bake 20 min.

  4. MIX dressing and honey; brush onto meat. Bake 10 to 15 min. or until meat is done (160ºF) and potatoes are tender, brushing meat occasionally with any remaining dressing mixture.


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