• 6servings
  • 40minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B2, B3, C, E
MineralsNatrium, Fluorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  2. 3 Cloves Garlic, minced

  3. 2 Tablespoons Chopped Fresh Herbs (such as basil, rosemary, marjoram and sage)

  4. 1/2 Teaspoon Sea Salt, or to taste

  5. Juice of 1 Fresh Lemon

  6. Freshly Ground Black Pepper, to taste

  7. 1 Pound Russet Potatoes, scrubbed

  8. 1 (12 Ounce) Package Precooked Chicken Sausage, sliced 1/4-inch-thick on the diagonal (optional - omit for vegetarian or use a vegan sausage alternative)

  9. 2 Ears Fresh Corn, cut into 1-inch pieces

  10. 1 Zucchini, sliced 1/4-inch-thick on the diagonal

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Heat olive oil in small saucepan until very hot; remove from heat and stir in garlic. Let cool, then stir in herbs, salt, lemon juice and pepper; set aside.

  2. Place potatoes in medium microwave-safe bowl and cover with lid or plastic wrap. If using plastic wrap, make sure plastic wrap is not touching any ingredients and poke one small hole in cover to vent.

  3. Microwave on high for 10 to 12 minutes or until potatoes are tender (cooking time may vary depending on microwave). Use oven mitts to carefully remove from microwave.

  4. When cool enough to handle, cut into large chunks.

  5. Thread potatoes, sausage and vegetables on skewers.

  6. Grill the skewers over medium-high heat for about 10 minutes, turning frequently and brushing with a little of herb mixture during the last few minutes of cooking.

  7. Remove from grill and place on platter; drizzle with remaining herb mixture.


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