• 4servings
  • 70minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B2, B3, B9, C, D, P
MineralsCopper, Silicon, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 10 savoy cabbage , leaves, separated

  2. 1 onion , diced

  3. 12-16 back bacon , rashers

  4. 400 g minced pork

  5. 2 cloves garlic , finely chopped

  6. pinch ground allspice

  7. 1 tsp finely chopped thyme , leaves

  8. large knob butter

  9. 1 onion , sliced

  10. 1 eating apple , peeled, cored and diced

  11. 300 ml cloudy apple juice

  12. 1 tbsp wholegrain mustard

  13. a little chicken stock , or pork stock to let the gravy down if necessary

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Drop the cabbage leaves into a large pan of boiling salted water, then blanch for 2 minutes until almost tender. Drain and cool under running cold water. Heat the knob of butter in a small frying pan and fry the onion for 4-5 minutes or until softened. Set cabbage and onion aside.

  2. Line a small ovenproof saucepan or frying pan about 18-20cm wide with the bacon rashers, overlapping them slightly. Make sure they fall over the edge of the pan so that they can be folded back into the pan. Lay the blanched cabbage leaves on top of the bacon in the same manner.

  3. Mix together the pork, fried onion, garlic, allspice and thyme, then season. Spoon and press this mixture into the pan over the bacon and cabbage, then fold over the overhanging pieces of bacon and cabbage so they completely enclose the mince inside. Squash it down, then bake for 45-60 minutes, or until the meat is well cooked through.

  4. For the gravy meanwhile, melt the butter for the gravy in a large frying pan. Tip in the sliced onion and fry until golden brown. Stir in the diced apple and fry until beginning to soften. Pour in the apple juice, stir to deglaze the pan and allow to bubble to reduce and thicken the gravy. Stir in the mustard and continue to simmer briefly. If you need to thin the gravy, stir in a little stock. Taste and season.

  5. When the meat is ready, remove from the oven and pour any cooking juices into the gravy pan. Serve the pork sliced in wedges with the gravy.


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