Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Half gallon cardboard milk or juice carton, rinsed well and dried

  2. distilled water

  3. Empty wine bottle with high shoulder (enough to extend up out of the top of the carton several inches)

  4. For flower container

  5. 6-8 stems roses with leaves, in desired color Several stems of babies breath

  6. asparagus fern or other green filler

  7. For fruit container

  8. 2 each: lemons , oranges and limes , thinly sliced and seeded

  9. 1 cup whole and halved strawberries , hulls removed

  10. Other ideas

  11. Mexican theme- red and green chiles

  12. Christmas- holly or pine sprigs and red berries

  13. 4th of July- strawberries , miniature marshmallows and blueberries

  14. Halloween- autumn leaves, small acorns or pods

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Cut off top of carboard carton along the folded edges Place empty wine bottle (same size as you plan to serve) in center of carton Starting at base of bottle, arrange a layer of the materials you want to use in a pleasing design Add about 2 inches of distilled water and freeze. If necessary, place a wedge between top of bottle and shelf above so tha the bottle remains upright and stable When water is frozen, remove carton from freezer Insert additional flowers, etc., into carton. Add about 2 more inches of distilled water and freeze Continue adding layers of design materials, distilled water, then freezing, until the water level is just below the top of the shoulder of the bottle Place carton in freezer overnight or until water is completely frozen When ready to use, remove carton from freezer and let stand 10 minutes Tear away carton To remove bottle from ice~

  2. Using a funnel, fill empty bottle with hot water and let sit about 1 minute Gently rotate bottle by its neck to loosen and pull straight out Replace with uncorked bottle of wine you plan to serve (or you can use the clean, empty bottle again to pour into for serving other kinds of beverages)

  3. Place on a napkin-lined tray or in a saucer with a deep rim


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