• 4servings
  • 15minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B3, B12, C, D, P
MineralsZinc, Copper, Natrium, Silicon, Calcium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 pounds or so of unpeeled potatoes (about four large)

  2. 1/2 cup of salted butter

  3. A few pinches of nutmeg

  4. A sprinkle or two of sea salt and lots of freshly ground pepper

  5. 1 cup of butter

  6. 1 thinly sliced onion

  7. 4 cloves of minced garlic

  8. 1/4 cup of all-purpose flour

  9. 1/2 cup of red wine

  10. 1 cup of rich beef stock

  11. 1/2 cup of heavy cream

  12. 1 tablespoon of minced fresh thyme

  13. a sprinkle or two of salt and lots of freshly ground pepper

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Cut the potatoes into large chunks then steam, boil or microwave them until they’re tender. Drain well.

  2. Meanwhile, toss the butter into a small saucepot and heat it until it melts over medium heat. Because butter contains as much as twenty percent water it will begin to steam and foam. Once the water has evaporated the foam will subside and the butter’s temperature will begin to rise past the boiling point of water. The milk fat solids that are one or two percent of the butter will then begin to brown. Keep a close eye on it as it foams. Swirl it gently, watching the color, until it turns golden brown and releases the aroma of toasting nuts. Immediately pour the browned butter into a bowl to lower its temperature and stop it from browning further.

  3. Once the potatoes are tender, mash in the butter, nutmeg and seasonings. Taste, then season a bit more if needed. Serve and share then watch the bowl empty!

  4. In a saucepan, over medium heat, gently brown the onions and garlic in the butter. Sprinkle in the flour and stir until it forms a paste. Add the wine, beef stock and cream and bring it all to a simmer. Continue cooking for a few minutes until the sauce thickens. Stir in the fresh thyme. Taste. Season with a sprinkle or two of salt and lots of freshly ground pepper, drizzle it over your favourite grilled steak, serve and share!


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