Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 box(es) (18 1/4) cake mix , any flavor, check box for additional ingredients required, such as eggs and vegetable oil

  2. 1 to 2 can(s) (16 oz. each) vanilla frosting

  3. for decorating assorted candies , : jelly beans, licorice ropes, licorice strips, Jordan almonds (or any other egg-shaped candy), sprinkles

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Prepare cake mix according to package directions and follow instructions to bake cake in two 8-inch round pans. Remove from pans and let cool completely.

  2. Using sharp paring knife, cut one layer into three pieces, as shown in diagram (right). Using a bit of frosting, attach both ears to the top of the round cake and the bow tie to the opposite end.

  3. Cover entire cake with frosting, using a lightly swirled pattern. Create the bunny’s face by using jelly beans for the eyes, a Jordan almond for the nose and licorice rope for the whiskers and mouth. Decorate the bow tie with jelly beans in the center and licorice strips on the sides. Adorn the ears with sprinkles or decorating sugar.


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