Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 450 grams precut fresh veggies (1 lbs or 16 oz)

  2. Ranch dip

  3. 1 sweet potato (often mislabeled as Yam), cubed

  4. 1 small to medium onion, finely chopped

  5. 2 teaspoons olive oil (10 mL)

  6. 2 teaspoons prepared garlic (10 mL)

  7. 2 stalks celery, diced

  8. 1 green pepper, chopped (cut and freeze the other half for next time)

  9. 3 cups vegetable broth (750 mL)

  10. 1 can chunky tomatoes (I use the spicy red pepper variety) (19 oz)

  11. 1 can chickpeas, drained (19 oz)

  12. 1 teaspoon ground cumin (5 mL)

  13. 1 teaspoon ground curry powder (5 mL)

  14. 1 teaspoon ground coriander (5 mL)

  15. 1 teaspoon chili powder (5 mL)

  16. Fresh ground pepper to taste

  17. 1 tablespoon lime juice (5 mL)

  18. 2 teaspoons prepared ginger from a jar (30 mL)

  19. 1/4 cup sultana raisins (75 mL)

  20. 2 tablespoons light peanut butter (30 mL)

  21. 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro (30 mL)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Arrange veggies on a plate with a side of Ranch dip.

  2. When Tim arrives home…

  3. Heat olive oil in a large, Dutch oven (medium-high). Add onions and garlic to hot oil and stir.

  4. Add celery and green pepper and let cook for a few minutes.

  5. Add to pot in this order: vegetable broth, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, chickpeas, cumin, curry, coriander, chili, pepper, lime juice, and ginger.

  6. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered. Set timer for 25 minutes.

  7. When timer rings, stir in raisins and peanut butter. Simmer a little longer.

  8. Sprinkle some fresh chopped cilantro on top. This is a great garnish and kicks this dish up to the next level.


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