Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Cauliflower head 1 Large

  2. Broccoli head 2 Large (Stems Attached)

  3. Grape seed oil/Rice oil 2 Tablespoon

  4. Salt To Taste

  5. Freshly ground black pepper To Taste

  6. Garlic 3 Clove (15 gm) , thinly sliced

  7. Extra-virgin olive oil 1 Tablespoon

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Directions MAKING 1) Heat a large cast-iron skillet over medium heat. While it is heating, slice the cauliflower from top to bottom into 1-inch-thick slices.

  2. Brush both sides of every slice with some of the grape seed oil and season with salt and pepper.

  3. Place the slices in the hot skillet, pressing them into the pan with a spatula. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes, or until nicely browned.

  4. Turn and cook on the other side for about 3 minutes, or until browned and tender. Transfer the slices to a warmed platter.

  5. While the cauliflower is cooking, cut the broccoli the same way you cut the cauliflower and brush with some of the remaining grape seed oil.

  6. When the cauliflower is cooked, cook the broccoli in the same way.

  7. Make sure both sides of the broccoli slices are browned before transferring the slices to the platter with the cauliflower.

  8. Add the remaining grape seed oil (about 2 teaspoons) to the hot skillet. Add the garlic slices and sauté, stirring gently and constantly, for 1 to 2 minutes, or until lightly browned.

  9. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towels and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

  10. ) Arrange the broccoli around the outside of the platter and then put the cauliflower inside the circle.

  11. SERVING 11) Sprinkle the toasted garlic slices over the broccoli and cauliflower, drizzle with the olive oil, and serve.

  12. TIPS 12) You’re going to love this a wildly flavorful concoction of dried fruits, nuts, bits of bittersweet and milk chocolate and other chopped goodies, which makes wonderful use of all sorts of leftovers from Halloween candy to cookies that were crushed in the box. There’s almost nothing that doesn’t work wonderfully in this recipe.

  13. Although frequently served in private homes in Italy, this delicious no-cook dessert isn’t usually available in restaurants so few Americans have ever tasted it.

  14. ) The dry ingredients can be combined and stored in a plastic bag for months. When you’re ready to serve it just add a little fruit juice and liqueur to moisten the mixture and meld all the delicious flavors.


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