Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 leek finely sliced

  2. 1 bulb of baby fennel - finely sliced

  3. 2 cloves of garlic finely sliced

  4. 1 potato cut into small dice

  5. 1 carrot cut in to small dice

  6. 1 can chopped tomatoes

  7. 3 bay leaves

  8. Bunch of parsley stalks

  9. Saffron softened in fish stock

  10. 1 piece of orange rind

  11. pernod

  12. 3 litres fish stock preferably home made

  13. Fresh fish fillets cut in 2 cm cubes - one each of duck fish , bastard trumpeter, snapper and the whole flounder gutted and chopped into three pieces

  14. 10 mussels

  15. Dill finely chopped

  16. Parsley finely chopped

  17. 1 loaf sourdough bread

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Fry the leek, fennel and garlic in some olive oil until translucent (8 – 10 minutes) add the carrot and potato and fry for about 5 mins or so giving it a mix every now and then.

  2. Now add tomatoes, saffron, orange peel bay leaves, parsley stalks and the pernod and cook for another 5 or so minutes to allow the flavours to combine.

  3. Add stock and simmer for 20 – 30 minutes or until the potato and carrot are cooked.

  4. Add the firmest fish first which will take longer to cook the order above is the order I put them in the soup.

  5. Make sure the soup comes back to a simmer between adding each fish.

  6. Add the mussels with the snapper and simmer until all the fish is cooked and the mussels open.

  7. Finely throw in a generous pinch of chopped dill and parsley.

  8. Cut slices of the sour dough and drizzle both sides of the bread olive oil and then grill them over the bbq or grill plate on the stove.

  9. Turn when coloured and rub the cooked surface with the cut side of a raw clove or garlic.

  10. When the other side is cooked rub it with the garlic also.


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