Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. You will need:

  2. For flavor...

  3. About 4 cups of chicken broth (or vegetable broth if you prefer)

  4. A jar of red Thai curry paste , you will not use all of this, I used apox. 2 1/2tbsps

  5. apox. 1 white onion finally chopped

  6. 3 tbsps fresh cilantro , also finally chopped, stems removed

  7. salt1/2-1tsp

  8. lemon pepper , this ingredient replaces lemon grass in the recipe and so I would recommend buying it for sure, I used about 1 1/2tbsps

  9. chili powder , 1 tbsp

  10. 1 1/2 fresh lime (juice and pulp only...)

  11. 4 cloves of garlic ,

  12. 1/4 of a fresh jalapeño, a

  13. 1inch piece of fresh ginger , you need to mince all these ingredients so they become paste like I recommend using the fine side of a cheese grater and just simply grating them. (Careful with the jalapeño wash hands cutting bored do not touch eyes!)

  14. For the soup...

  15. 1 can of creamy coconut milk (not lite)

  16. 1 cup button mushrooms , smaller in size the better than cut in haft

  17. 1 red pepper cut into thin branches

  18. 1 cup of frozen peas

  19. Two carrots thinly sliced

  20. For the protein...

  21. (If you would not like to eat Mr. prawny and Mr. chicken )

  22. lentils 1 cup rinsed, and prepared (or 1 can)

  23. Block of extra firm tofu cubed

  24. Or... 1-cup prawns , (buy tail on, cheaper and remove tail yourself by heating in hot water )

  25. 2 chicken breast , cup into good soup sized strips

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Remember that I have posted this as a rough estimate of the original recipe, which I made up as I went along; so use your discretion when adding flavor or amounts of ingredients...

  2. Start by making sure you have a side pot of broth boiling on the stove, in another larger pot place chicken, onion salt, oil, start to cook Add prawns (if vegetarian recipe, start tofu but do not add lentils)

  3. Add garlic, ginger, jalapeño, Thai paste, cooking the chicken (or tofu), adding broth to prevent the use of to much oil but keeping the chicken from burning don’t add to much though just enough to cover the bottom of the pot and keep things moist Once chicken is fairly ok (out of danger zone for food poisoning, but not yet edible) add mushrooms, (remember this whole time to keep things moist)

  4. Add other ingredients for flavor, (also add lentils at this point if using), stir thoroughly, add vegetables, and some of the coconut milk about haft the can Cook for about 8min on med heat (at your discretion)

  5. Add remainder of chicken broth and coconut milk, reduce heat to a vary low setting, place lid on pot let simmer for about 30min stirring frequently and sampling for taste add more flavor at your discretion!

  6. And that's it!


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