Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 40 g fresh yeast

  2. 550 ml tepid milk

  3. 190 g unsalted butter , melted

  4. 2 eggs

  5. 150 g caster sugar

  6. 1 scant tbsp green cardamom seeds , ground

  7. 1 kg plain flour , plus

  8. 50g for rolling the dough

  9. 250 g unsalted butter , softened

  10. 125 g Muscavado or demerara sugar

  11. 1 scant tbsp ground cinnamon

  12. 1 vanilla pod , seeds only

  13. 1 egg , beaten

  14. 50 ml 50% sugar sugar syrup ,

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. For the dough: Add the yeast to the milk and bring up to 37C (about body temperature) to activate the yeast.

  2. Mix together the melted butter, eggs, sugar and cardamom in a large bowl. Stir in the milk and add the flour in 3 batches, mixing well between each addition. Mix with your hands for 8-10 minutes until the dough holds together, coming away from the bowl edges.

  3. Leave the dough to prove in a warm place, covered with a clean tea towel, until the volume doubles.

  4. Lay the dough on a table which is been sprinkled generously with flour, and divide in half. Roll out each piece to a 1cm thick sheet.

  5. For the filling: Mix the butter, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla seeds. Brush each sheet generously with this mixture.

  6. Roll up the sheets of dough into a Swiss roll shape. Cut each into 5 pieces, at an angle, and lay out on a baking sheet. Press them down with your thumb to help the layers spread out. Leave to prove for another 25-30 minutes in warm place until the volume doubles again.

  7. Preheat the oven to 170C/150C fan/gas 3.

  8. Brush the buns evenly with the beaten egg to glaze. Bake for 15 minutes until nearly cooked but still slightly undercooked inside. Brush with the stock syrup (optional). Leave to cool for 10 minutes before serving as the dough will cook to the perfection during these last 10 minutes. Serve while still warm.


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