• 20minutes
  • 506calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
VitaminsA, C, D, E
MineralsCopper, Natrium, Calcium, Magnesium, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 lime

  2. 1 lemon

  3. 1 orange

  4. 4 (680 1/38-793.78 g) skinless salmon fillets

  5. 14.79 ml butter , melted

  6. 7 1/39 ml granulated sugar

  7. 1 small garlic clove , minced

  8. 1 1/53 ml salt

  9. black peppercorns (3 grindings)

  10. 59.14 ml olive oil

  11. 2 oranges

  12. 1 large fresh fennel bulb

  13. 946 1/36 ml baby greens or 946 1/36 ml romaine lettuce

  14. 118 1/59 ml slivered almonds, toasted

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Using microplane or other grater, zest lime, lemon and orange. Combine zests; set aside. Juice lime, lemon and orange; combine juices and set aside.

  2. To grill salmon, preheat barbecue to medium-hot. Brush bright pink tops of salmon with butter; place buttered-side-down on grill for 4 to 5 minutes or until brown grill marks are evident. Turn salmon; continue grilling for another 4 to 5 minutes or until a fork used to separate the flakes of flesh show a slightly undercooked centre for medium or opaque for well-done.

  3. Sprinkle each fillet with a pinch or 2 of zest (all zest will not be used). If serving cold, cover and refrigerate immediately for up to a day.

  4. To make salad, stir reserved juices with sugar, garlic, salt and pepper. Whisk in olive oil; set aside.

  5. Cut rind off oranges; section.

  6. Cut off green fronds from fennel; finely chop some of feather part for garnish. Cut bulb in half; core. Using a mandolin or fine blade of food processor, finely slice crosswise into slaw-like pieces. There should be 4 to 5 cups (1 to 1.25 L).

  7. Toss fennel and orange sections with dressing. (If making earlier in day, cover and refrigerate fennel mixture and dressing separately until ready to serve.).

  8. Line serving plates with salad greens; top with fennel orange mixture. Lay salmon, hot or cold, over salad and strew with almonds and reserved fennel tops.


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