Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Ingredient Name Unit Quantity

  2. cardamom

  3. piece 2 chicken

  4. grams 250 cinnamon

  5. stick 2 cloves

  6. piece 3 coriander pdr

  7. grams 5 crushed pepper corns

  8. grams 5 cumin

  9. grams 4 cumin pdr

  10. grams 5 curry leaves

  11. springs

  12. 2 fresh chopped coriander

  13. grams 5 ginger garlic paste

  14. grams 5 gr chillies

  15. 3 mustard

  16. grams 3 oil

  17. ml 25 onion

  18. large 1 red chilli pdr

  19. grams 5 salt

  20. grams 5 tomatoes

  21. number

  22. 2

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Heat the oil in a large pan. add mustard cumin Add the onions, turmeric ginger garlic paste curry leaves, and green chilli and saute for a while add tomatoes . . Then, add the coriander, cumin pdr or garam masala ( optional) and salt and mix well. Add the chicken to the frying pan and mix well, and cover and cook over a low-medium heat for 10-15 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. When the chicken is almost done, add the ground pepper into the mixture and mix well.


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