Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 150 g widedried rice noodles

  2. 5 fresh green or red chillies , chopped into fine rounds

  3. 60 ml white malt vinegar

  4. 125 g bean sprouts

  5. 2 cloves garlic , peeled and lightly pounded

  6. 2 tbsp coriander stalks , roughly chopped

  7. 900 ml chicken or vegetable stock

  8. 200 g minced pork

  9. 4 tbsp fish sauce

  10. 4 tbsp white sugar

  11. 3 tbsp white malt vinegar

  12. 4 tbsp crushed salted peanuts

  13. 2 tsp dried salted cabbage

  14. 1 tsp chilli powder

  15. 3 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

  16. coriander leaves

  17. freshly ground black pepper

  18. fried garlic

  19. chilli powder

  20. fish sauce

  21. white sugar

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Soak the noodles in cold water for 2 hours, then drain well.

  2. To make the chillies in vinegar, cover the chopped chillies in vinegar and leave to soak for a couple of hours.

  3. Fill a wok or deep saucepan with water and bring to the boil. Add the noodles and bean sprouts, and boil for 1 minute, until the noodles are soft and the sprouts are half-cooked. Drain well, and transfer the noodles and sprouts to a serving bowl and set aside.

  4. Using a pestle and mortar, lightly pound the garlic and coriander roots.

  5. In the same wok or saucepan, bring the stock to the boil and add the pounded garlic and coriander roots. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 2 minutes until fragrant.

  6. Break-up the minced pork and add to the simmering liquid. Carefully skim the surface while the pork cooks, so the soup remains clear. Stir in the fish sauce, sugar and vinegar. Simmer for about 15 minutes.

  7. When the pork is cooked, add the peanuts, salted cabbage and chilli powder and continue simmering for a minute.

  8. Pour the soup over the noodles and bean sprouts in serving bowls and stir in the lemon juice.

  9. Garnish with coriander leaves, black pepper and fried garlic. Serve with little bowls of the chillies in vinegar, bird's eye chilli powder, fish sauce and sugar, so that each diner can season their own soup as they wish.


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