Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Bulgur 1 Cup (16 tbs)

  2. Boiling water 1 Cup (16 tbs)

  3. Eggplant 1 Large

  4. Ground turkey 1 pound

  5. Onions 1 Cup (16 tbs) , chopped

  6. Mushrooms 1 Cup (16 tbs) , coarsely chopped

  7. 1/2 cup chopped sweet red peppers

  8. Garlic 2 Clove (5gm) , minced

  9. Minced dill 1 Tablespoon

  10. Ground black pepper 1/2 Teaspoon

  11. 2 cups nonfat plain yogurt

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Directions Place the bulgur in a colander and rinse under cold running water.

  2. Drain and transfer it to a medium bowl.

  3. Pour the boiling water over the bulgur, then let stand at room temperature while preparing the filling.

  4. For the filling, cut the eggplant lengthwise in half.

  5. Remove the pulp from both halves, leaving 1/2 -thick shells.

  6. Coarsely chop the pulp.

  7. In a large no-stick skillet, cook the eggplant pulp, turkey, onions, mushrooms, red peppers and garlic over medium heat about 8 minutes or until the turkey is no longer pink and the vegetables are tender.

  8. Stir in the bulgur, dill and black pepper.

  9. Spray a 13" X 9" baking dish with no-stick spray.

  10. Place the eggplant shells in the dish and spoon the turkey mixture into them.

  11. (Some of the filling will fall over the sides of the shells.) Cover the dish with foil and bake at 350° for 25 to 30 minutes or until the bulgur is tender and the filling is heated through.


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