Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Fully Vegan ♥

  2. Pudding:

  3. 1 Large papaya

  4. 1 Large banana

  5. 1/2 cup almond milk

  6. 2 Tbsp almond Flower

  7. 2 Tbsp wheat bran

  8. All the above in blender until it becomes a pudding

  9. 1 Dragonfruit (Asian Market)

  10. 1 Korean melon (Asian Market)

  11. 2 mangoes

  12. 2 Handfulls of mixed Naked nuts (raw only)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Refrigerate Korean Melon, Mango, Dragon-fruit for 1-2 hours before Cut the Korean Melon in half, clean it and peel it. Slice both halves into moon shape slices Cut the dragon fruit in 8 pieces length wise Cut the mangoes into squares Pour The Pudding into bowls, add the mango squares in the middle, line the Korean Melon around the bowl. Sprinkle Almond flower on top. Add the dragonftuit on the side and choice of nuts to finish it off :)

  2. Serve and enjoy dipping the Korean Melon rings into the Papaya Pudding :) ♥

  3. This is very filling though doesn't make you feel bloated ♥

  4. Benefits of Wheat Bran:

  5. Benefits of Korean Melon : Benefits of DragonFruit:



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