Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 300 gms beef tenderloin, sliced

  2. Marinade:

  3. teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

  4. 1 tablespoon light soy sauce

  5. 1 tablespoon cornflour

  6. 1 whole egg white

  7. 1 teaspoon sesame oil

  8. 3 tablespoons oil (for frying)

  9. 2 cloves garlic , chopped

  10. 1 fennel bulb - sliced

  11. 1 capsicum - sliced

  12. 1 tablespoon black pepper - crushed - this is extra

  13. 2 tablespoons fish sauce

  14. 1 tablespoon kicap manis

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Marinate beef slices with black pepper, light soy sauce, cornflour, egg white and sesame oil.

  2. Set aside for at least ½ hour in the fridge.

  3. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a wok or frying pan over a high flame.

  4. Sear the beef for 1 to 2 minutes on both sides.

  5. Remove and set aside by tenting it with foil.

  6. In the remaining oil (add more if needed), stir fry the garlic, sliced fennel and freshly crushed black pepper over a medium heat for 5 minutes.

  7. Add capsicum, fish sauce and kicap manis.

  8. Fry for 2 minutes.

  9. Add beef, stir till well mixed.

  10. Serve with rice.


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