• 4servings
  • 90minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

MineralsCopper, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Whole milk 1 Liter

  2. Creme fraiche 2 Tablespoon (30 % fat)

  3. Unsweetened condensed milk 500 Milliliter

  4. Caster sugar 150 Gram (5 1/2 oz)

  5. Shelled almonds 40 Gram (1 1/2 oz)

  6. Unsalted pistachios 30 Gram (1 1/4 oz)

  7. Green cardamom 20

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Directions Crush the cardamom pods and extract the seeds. Choose a deep non-stick frying pan, so that the milk can evaporate quickly. Pour the milk into the pan and boil it with the cardamom seeds. Turn down the heat and cook for 1 hour, stiring frequently so that the milk does not catch on the bottom of the pan.

  2. After an hour, the milk should have reduced by about half. Strain the milk through a sieve into a mixing bowl and wash the pan.

  3. Grind the almonds and the pistachios, making sure that the powder is not too fine.

  4. Pour the milk back into the pan, then add the condensed milk, the almonds and the pistachios. Stir well. Cook over a low heat for 15 minutes, stirring constantly so that a skin cannot form on the top.

  5. Allow the mixture to cool at room temperature, stirring it occasionally. If a skin should form, mix it in. Then add the creme fraiche and stir it in carefully.

  6. Pour the mixture into a large mould, preferably a metal one, and cover with clingfilm. Put it into the freezer. Stir it once or twice while the ice is forming, in order to mix in the pistachios and almonds properly. The ice cream will be ready after 6 to 8 hours. Leave it to soften slightly in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before serving.

  7. You could use the same process to make a mango or peach ice cream.


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