Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 4 large pork steaks

  2. 1 tbspn rosemary

  3. 1 medium butternut squash

  4. 1 large red onion finely diced

  5. 12 chestnut mushrooms

  6. 4 large ripe tomatoes (Roma if available)

  7. peas (Frozen are fine)

  8. 1 clove garlic minced

  9. Handful fresh parmesan cheese

  10. rock salt , pepper

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Pork Take the fresh Rosemary and finely chop, mix with the rock salt.

  2. Rub evenly over the pork steaks and drizzle with a little oil. Place under a hot grill and begin to cook.

  3. My pork steaks were cooked under a hot grill for 3 minutes each side and then for a further 1 minute each side under a moderate heat.

  4. Always allow your meat to rest. For 8 minutes cooking I would rest for around 3 minutes. If you think it isn’t warm enough to serve gently heat it through under the grill.

  5. When cooking your pork you need to decide for yourself if it’s cooked as all cuts of meat and all cooking appliances vary in both size and temperature.

  6. Summer dice One of my major problems with food writing is weights and measures. It goes against everything I stand for as a creative. So in my own little protest to all things precise the following recipe deliberately doesn’t use any specific measurements.

  7. Let taste be your guide!!

  8. A simple dish to prepare a simple dish to cook. It goes really well with light meats like pork, chicken and turkey. It’s a variation on my economy vegetable hash which uses more root veggies.

  9. There are 3 main stages to this dish preparation, cooking, garnishing.

  10. Preparation:

  11. Dice all your vegetables and chives. I would suggest around 1 cm. Make sure to de- seed your tomatoes.

  12. Cooking In a large hot oiled pan, sauté the squash, onion, garlic and mushrooms. Cook, frequently tossing in the pan and cook until soft.

  13. Garnishing Finish by tossing in the tomatoes, parmesan, peas and chives.


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