Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 fresh drinking cocoanuts

  2. 4 teaspoons cornflour

  3. 175 grams (6 oz.) fresh cream

  4. 8 french beans

  5. 2 carrots

  6. 1 potato

  7. 100 grams (4 oz.) green peas

  8. 100 grams (4 oz.) cauliflower

  9. 1 teacup boiled spaghetti

  10. 1 small can (450 grams) pineapple slices

  11. a few pieces (tinned) mushrooms and asparagus, salt and pepper to taste

  12. 2 tablespoons grated cheese for decoration

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Directions Cut the french beans, carrots, potato and cauliflower into thin strips. Boil them with the green peas.

  2. Take out the cocoanut water in a vessel and keep aside. Scrape the cocoanuts and cut the meat into thin slices.

  3. Cut the pineapple slices into small pieces and keep aside the syrup.

  4. Mix the boiled vegetables, spaghetti, pineapple pieces, cocoanut meat slices, mushrooms and asparagus.

  5. Add the cornflour to the cocoanut water, mix well and cook.

  6. When the mixture becomes thick, add the vegetable mixture, cream, salt and pepper and 2 tablespoons of the pineapple syrup. Cook for 2 minutes. Fill in the cocoanut shells.

  7. Sprinkle cheese on top and serve.


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