• 4servings
  • 25minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

VitaminsA, B3, C, P
MineralsNatrium, Silicon, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 cups of chana (soak into water about 8 hours)

  2. 2 potatoes (small chopped)

  3. 2 tbsp oil

  4. 1 bay leaf

  5. 2 pieces cinnamon

  6. 2 cardamoms

  7. 1 black cardamom (big)

  8. 3 black cloves

  9. 1tsp coriander seeds

  10. 1 onion (chopped)

  11. 2 green chilies (chopped)

  12. 1/2tsp garlic (chopped)

  13. 1/2tsp ginger (chopped)

  14. Salt as per taste

  15. 1tsp red chili powder

  16. 1tsp turmeric powder

  17. 2tbsp tomato puree

  18. 2tsp chana masala

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Pour 2tbsp of oil in the pressure cooker

  2. When the oil is hot enough put the bay leaf, cinnamon, cardamoms, black cardamoms, black cloves and coriander seeds

  3. Give the masalas 2 minutes to fry

  4. When the masalas are flattering add green chilies, onions, garlic and ginger

  5. Fry them for 1-2 minutes and now add the salt, turmeric and red chili powder

  6. Mix them well

  7. Now add the potatoes and cover it with lid (just cover it simply) and cook for 2 minutes

  8. Now add the chick peas with the mixture

  9. Put the tomato puree

  10. Mix them well

  11. Pour 4 cups of water

  12. Put 2tsp chana masala and mix well

  13. Now cover the lid of the pressure cooker and wait will 3-4 whistles

  14. Aloo chana curry is ready

  15. Try it with roti, parantha or puri


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