• 1serving
  • 125minutes
  • 348calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
MineralsCalcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 354.88 ml 2% low-fat milk

  2. 29 1/28 ml half-and-half cream

  3. 2-3 cardamom pods , whole

  4. 1 orange peel, 3-inch x 1-inch piece

  5. 4.92 ml vanilla extract , pure

  6. 36.97 ml cocoa, good quality

  7. 14.78 ml honey

  8. 3 ice cubes, coffee

  9. whipped cream, garnish

  10. 2.46 ml orange rind, grated, garnish

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. In a pot add milk, cream, whole cardamon pods and orange peel.

  2. Gently heat the mixture until it is steaming hot but do not boil.

  3. Take off the heat and remove the cardamon pods and orange peel. Now add the vanilla extract to the milk mixture.

  4. Make a paste with the cocoa, honey and 2 tbsps of the hot milk mixture.

  5. Now add the cocoa paste to the remaining hot milk mixture and whisk vigorously, till well blended.

  6. Allow to cool, chill two hours in fridge until ready to serve.

  7. Whisk cocoa well and pour into a large glass with 3 coffee ice cubes.

  8. Garnish with whip cream and grated orange rind.


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