• 4servings
  • 45minutes
  • 155calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B1
MineralsNatrium, Fluorine, Calcium, Magnesium, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 each - cauliflower,

  2. 2 pounds

  3. 4 tablespoons olive oil

  4. 1 x salt and black pepper to taste

  5. Garlicky soyginger sauce:

  6. 1 teaspoon olive oil

  7. 3 cloves garlic or as needed, minced

  8. 1 inch ginger freshly minced

  9. 2 tablesoons soy sauce

  10. 2 tablespoons mirin (sweet seasoning)

  11. 1 tablespoon rice vinegar

  12. 4 tablespoons water

  13. 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil

  14. 4 each scallions, spring or green onions sliced

  15. 2 teaspoons sesame seeds toasted, optional

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Place the oven rack to lowest postion.

  2. Preheat the oven to 475 degrees F.

  3. Trim off the leaves and tough ends, cut the cauliflower into 8 equal parts.

  4. Place the cauliflower onto a baking sheet lined with a large piece of foil.

  5. Drizzle half of the olive oil over the cauliflower.

  6. Turn over the cauliflower, drizzle the remaining oil over, then season with salt and freshly ground black.

  7. Using another piece of foil covers the cauliflower completely.

  8. Roast 10 minutes, remove the foil, and continue roasting for 10 minutes.

  9. Using tongs turns the cauliflower over, and continue roasting for another 10 minutes until the cauliflower turns into golden and brown on almost all sides and tender-crisp.

  10. Remove from the oven .

  11. To make the sauce:

  12. While the cauliflower is roasting, heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a nonstick skillet until hot.

  13. Add the garlic and ginger, stirring, and cook for about 1 to minutes until fragrant.

  14. Reduce the heat to medium-low, add soy sauce, mirin, vinegar and water, simmering for about 5 minutes until the sauce gets a little bit thick.

  15. Remove the pan from heat.

  16. Place roasted cauliflower onto a serving platter.

  17. Drizzle with sauce, sesame oil, and sprinkle with some sesame seeds if needed.

  18. Season with salt and black pepper to taste.


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