• 18servings
  • 40minutes
  • 328calories

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Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 18 each cupcakes white, recipe see link below

  2. Vanilla butter cream frosting:

  3. 1/2 cup butter, unsalted softened

  4. 4 cups powdered sugar

  5. 1/2 teaspoon salt

  6. 1/3 cup milk whole

  7. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  8. Other ingredients:

  9. 1 x food coloring red

  10. 1 x jelly beans small and black

  11. 1 x candies round with hole in the middle*

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Line cupcake tins with the white papper liners.

  2. Fill the tins two-thirds full with the batter and bake the cupcakes as directed in the recipe (see link below) .

  3. To make the frosting:

  4. In a large bowl, cream the butter until smooth.

  5. Add the powdered sugar, salt, milk, and vanilla and mix until smooth and creamy.

  6. Frost the cupcakes, reserving some of the frosting.

  7. Pile the frosting up a little in the center to make a sort of domed shape, more like an eyeball.

  8. To make the surface smooth, dip a butter or frosting/palette knife in hot water and smooth it over the top of the frosting.

  9. Tint the remaining frosting bright red with the food coloring.

  10. Using the pastry bag, pipe the red frosting on the tops of the cupcake in vein patterns.

  11. Make the veins radiate from the center of the cupcake to make the bloodshot quality more realistic.

  12. Cut the jelly beans in half.

  13. Arrange a jelly bean half into the circle of the round candy.

  14. Now you have and iris and a pupil.

  15. Arrange this in the center of a cupcake.

  16. Continue with the rest of the eyeballs.


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