Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 285g uncooked brown rice

  2. 700ml water

  3. 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

  4. 1/2 teaspoon salt

  5. 250g kale, stems removed, roughly chopped, blanched for 2-3 minutes

  6. 1 (410g) tin black beans, rinsed and drained

  7. 1 1/2 (300g) tins garden peas, rinsed and drained

  8. 1 1/4 (340g) tins sweetcorn, drained

  9. 1 (130g) tin chopped green chillies

  10. 50g sliced black olives

  11. 1 (400g) tin whole plum tomatoes, undrained and chopped

  12. salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Bring the brown rice, water, olive oil and 1//2 teaspoon salt to the boil in a saucepan. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover and simmer until the rice is tender and the liquid has been absorbed, 45 to 50 minutes. Scrape into a mixing bowl, fluff with a fork and refrigerate to room temperature.

  2. Stir the kale, black beans, garden peas, sweetcorn, green chillies, olives and tomatoes into the cooled rice until evenly mixed. Season to taste with salt and pepper before serving.


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