Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1kg chianina beef (chuck or blade)

  2. 200g pork shoulder boneless

  3. 300g pork back fat

  4. 2 cloves garlic

  5. 30g salt

  6. 1 stalk of chopped rosemary

  7. Pinch chopped sage

  8. 1 chilli, finely chopped

  9. 5g black pepper

  10. Pinch cumin powder

  11. 1 1/5kg piece of chianina beef rump

  12. 1 onion sliced

  13. 1 carrot chopped

  14. 1 celery stick chopped

  15. 4 bay leaves

  16. 4 bunches of continental parsley

  17. 1 tbsp whole black pepper corns

  18. 2 tbsp salt

  19. 1 onion

  20. 1 celery stick

  21. 1 carrot

  22. 500g lean minced beef

  23. 8 egg whites

  24. 5 litres cold beef stock

  25. 6 spunta potatoes

  26. 100g black cabbage , washed

  27. 6 baby leeks trimmed and washed

  28. 12 dutch carrots , peeled trimmed and washed

  29. 12 baby turnips , peeled trimmed and washed

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Cut the beef, pork and fat into inch size pieces and place in a large bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients to the meat and mix thoroughly with your hands.

  2. Place the mixture into the fridge and chill for approximately two hours.

  3. Using a 1cm mincer plate, mince the meat. Once minced mix by hand for approximately five minutes or until the meat binds itself and becomes sticky.

  4. Refrigerate mix for a further two hours.

  5. Mix is now ready to pipe into casings.

  6. Once sausages are made leave overnight in fridge to rest before using.


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