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  1. Here's my method for Catfish Meuniere. If you want it to be catfish pecan "whatever", take the fishy (which I recommend soaking in some

  2. milk or buttermilk; helps take away the "fishy" catfish smell, if there is one) and dredge in flour seasoned as you like it (usu. way to put in

  3. cayenne/grnd. chiles), dip in an egg wash, press into some fairly finely (hhmmm...; and I prefer to take half, or less, of the pecans I'm going to

  4. use and grind them up into a fine powder which I mix w/the pieces rather than add breadcrumbs or the like) broken up pecans, and then pan-fry the

  5. fishy in butter, oil, or a mixture of the two. If the pecans begin to burn, pop the pan in the oven to finish, assuming it's an oven-safe pan,

  6. mind you. If you don't want the catfish pecan encrusted, don't do the above and cook the fishy with whatever method you desire and then...

  7. Anywho, eat dat cat...


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