Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 125 gm (4 oz) butter

  2. 1 1/2 cups icing sugar

  3. 2 tablespoons milk

  4. 2 tablespoons cocoa powder

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Procedure Beat the butter and milk with an electric beater till its color turns white and the texture becomes creamy. Into it add icing sugar gradually and once all the sugar has been folded in, add the sifted cocoa powder and then beat again. When the mixture turns smooth and creamy, the frosting is ready to be spread onto the cupcakes. If the frosting is not spreadable, add a little more milk or icing sugar and beat till desired consistency is obtained.

  2. Vanilla Extract Buttercream Frosting Recipe Ingredients 250 gm confectioners (icing) sugar 150 gm softened, unsalted butter 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 tsp hot water Procedure Make sure the butter has been kept out for half an hour and softened before use. With an electric beater or electric mixing bowl, beat the butter and sugar together till it is somewhat smooth and creamy. Then add the vanilla extract and hot water and beat again. The frosting will be stiff, smooth and creamy, ready to be applied on the cupcakes.

  3. Caramel Buttercream Frosting Recipe Ingredients ½ cup + 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 2 tablespoons water ¼ cup whole milk ¼ cup whipping cream 2 + 2 large egg yolks ¼ tsp salt 2 sticks (8 oz) unsalted butter, softened 1 tsp pure vanilla extract 1 tbsp dark rum Procedure Take the ½ cup sugar and 2 tbsp water and cook it over medium heat. Stir the mixture occasionally and allow the sugar to get dissolved. Once the sugar dissolves, raise the heat and bring the solution to a boil. Meanwhile take the whole milk and whipping cream and place it on the burner till it heats up. When the sugar solution turns golden brown, pour it carefully into the cream and milk mixture. Place this mixture again on medium heat and whisk slowly to allow all the caramel to dissolve completely. Heat till it reaches a boiling point, stirring occasionally.

  4. In another bowl, take 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar and salt. Take a few spoons of caramel-milk mixture and whisk the yolk mixture. Then add the rest of the caramel-milk mixture into it and whisk away. Again place this mixture on low heat, all the while stirring continuously, till the mixture coats the back of the spoon. Then remove quickly and strain it through a fine-mesh strainer. Beat this mixture with a whip at medium speed, till it cools and becomes light in texture. Once the mixture is completely cool, add 2 tablespoons of softened butter into the mixture and beat at medium speed.

  5. Once all the butter has been added, beat for another minute at high speed to make the mixture as fluffy as possible. Then reduce the speed a bit and add rum and vanilla. Increase the speed and beat at high speed for another minute till a light, smooth and creamy texture is obtained. Your caramel buttercream is ready. Dollop it into a piping bag and refrigerate to make it firm. Half an hour before serving remove the cupcakes from the fridge and pipe it onto the cupcake.

  6. Vanilla Bean Buttercream Frosting Recipe Ingredients 1 ½ cup confectioners' sugar ½ cup butter 2 tsp vanilla bean paste 1 tbs milk Procedure Beat the butter and sugar together till a creamy and smooth texture is obtained. Into this add vanilla bean paste and milk and beat for another minute till it becomes stiffer. Gently dollop or pipe out the frosting on the cupcakes. The cupcakes will have the flavor of vanilla, which is simply gorgeous.

  7. Strawberry Buttercream Frosting Recipe Ingredients 100 gm butter, softened 200 gm (icing sugar), sifted ½ cup finely chopped fresh strawberries or fresh strawberry pulp Procedure With an electric beater beat the butter till it becomes smooth. Gradually add in the powdered icing sugar and beat. Then add the chopped strawberries and beat till a smooth and creamy consistency is obtained. Spread it over lovely chocolate or vanilla cupcakes and enjoy. Your strawberry frosting is ready. If you wish to add some sprinkles or adornments, do it before the frosting sets.

  8. Peanut Butter Buttercream Frosting Recipe Ingredients 1/2 cup butter, softened 250 gm (icing sugar), sifted 1/4 cup peanut butter 2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon water Procedure Peanut butter frosting is the classic balance between sweet and salty and makes perfect cupcakes for peanut butter lovers. To make this frosting take half cup softened butter and mix it in the electric mixer. Once it turns smooth, add the icing sugar little at a time. Once the entire sugar has been thoroughly folded, add the peanut butter and beat again at moderate speed. Then add the vanilla extract and water and beat till a smooth mixture is obtained. Towards the end, increase the speed and your lovely peanut butter buttercream frosting is ready to devour.

  9. Raspberry Buttercream Frosting Recipe Ingredients 1 cup softened, unsalted butter (cut into one inch cubes)

  10. cups confectioner's sugar ½ cup raspberry jam or pulp Procedure Spoon the butter cubes into an electric mixing bowl and allow it to smoothen it for a few minutes or until the texture is smooth and creamy. Next add a cup of confectioner's sugar and continue mixing. Once the sugar has been folded well into the mixture, add rest of the sugar (one cup at a time). Then add the raspberry pulp or jam and continue mixing. Once the texture of the frosting is velvety smooth, you know your raspberry buttercream frosting is ready! Raspberry cupcakes are great Valentine's day treats.

  11. If you wish to store the buttercream frosting, transfer it into an air-tight container and refrigerate. Remove from the refrigerator few hours before use. The buttercream frosting will soften, thereby enabling you to apply them onto the cupcakes. Buttercream frosting for cupcakes is easy to prepare and enhances the look and flavor of the cupcake. These buttercream cupcakes adorned with pink hearts and sprinkles can be used as fundraisers. Once you learn the basics, you can make your own improvisations and create a cupcake recipe that wins the hearts of many.

  12. By Priya Johnson Last Updated: 2/2/2012 Tweet



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