Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 150g cornmeal, fine or coarse

  2. 75g plain flour (optional - it can be left out if there are any gluten issues)

  3. Pinch of salt and pepper

  4. 2 fresh fillets of cod, haddock or cat fish

  5. 2 tbsp cajun spices

  6. 100- 200ml vegetable oil , enough to coat the bottom of a frying pan

  7. Dash milk

  8. 1 large onion

  9. 250g fresh pineapple , cut into chunks, or 1 can of pineapple chunks, drained

  10. Small bunch of fresh coriander, finely chopped

  11. Pinch of salt

  12. Squeeze of lemon juice

  13. Pinch of dried chilli flakes

  14. salad leaves

  15. lemon wedges

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Combine the cornmeal and plain flour in a bowl and season. Wash the fish and cut into chunky strips around 3” long and 1” wide. Season the fish with some of the Cajun seasoning and coat them in the dried flour mixture. Pour enough oil into a large frying pan to cover the base and place over a moderate heat. Put the fish in the pan skin-side down – i.e. the side that would have had the skin on it, not the flat side. Cook over a moderate heat for 1½–2½ minutes per side.

  2. Once you have coated all of the fish pieces, add a small amount of milk to the seasoned corn meal, to make a thick batter. Take an onion and slice it making rings. Dip the onion into the batter and fry in the same oil as you cooked the fish, for about 1 minute. Finely dice the pineapple and place together with all the above ingredients in a bowl. Mix together with a spoon or blend with a hand blender until the salsa is quite smooth but still has some texture; don’t over blend it. Serve the fish with the cajun onion rings and the pineapple salsa. Garnish with some salad leaved and lemon wedges.


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