Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. For the tomato and strawberry jam

  2. 1 1/2kg tomatoes, blanched, skinned, deseeded (seeds reserved) and diced

  3. 330g strawberries, hulled and quartered

  4. 60g golden caster sugar

  5. 10ml balsamic vinegar

  6. 10ml sherry vinegar

  7. 6 mint leaves

  8. For the cheese wafer

  9. 300g parmesan cheese, finely grated

  10. For the cheese on toast ice cream

  11. 6 slices of white bread, toasted

  12. 90g unsalted butter, finely sliced

  13. 250g cheddar cheese, sliced

  14. 1 litre whole milk

  15. 30g skimmed milk powder

  16. 8 egg yolks

  17. 120g white caster sugar

  18. 400g dry ice

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. To make the jam, squeeze the tomato seeds through muslin to extract the juices.

  2. Place these juices in a pan over a medium heat. Add the diced tomato, half of the strawberries and the sugar. Simmer until reduced to a jam-like consistency (approximately 500g in weight). This will take approximately 25 minutes.

  3. Add the remaining strawberries and both vinegars to the pan and simmer briefly to soften the strawberries. Remove the pan from the heat and cool at room temperature before placing in the fridge.

  4. To make the cheese wafers, preheat the grill to high. Place the grated parmesan in a saucepan over a high heat and cook until the cheese begins to split.

  5. Remove the cheese from the pan and place on a flat baking tray lined with a sheet of baking paper. Place another sheet of baking paper on top and roll to a thickness of 1mm. Remove the top layer of baking paper and use a sharp knife to cut triangles out of the rolled cheese.

  6. Place the baking tray under the grill for approximately 2 minutes or until golden brown. Remove the tray and allow the wafers to cool.

  7. To start the ice cream, preheat the grill. Place the slices of toast on a baking tray and divide the slices of butter between them, then cover with the cheese slices.

  8. Place under the grill until the cheese begins to melt and colour. Remove the tray and allow to cool.

  9. In the meantime, place the milk and milk powder in a pan over a medium heat. Bring the mixture to 52ºC.

  10. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar until light and creamy. Once the milk has reached temperature, add a little to the egg mixture in order to temper it then add the egg mixture to the milk and cook while stirring until the temperature reaches 70ºC. Hold at this temperature for 10 minutes then immediately cool the pan in a bowl or basin of iced water.

  11. Put the slices of cheese on toast into the ice cream base and using a hand blender, blitz the mixture until fully incorporated. Pass through a fine sieve and keep in the fridge until ready to serve.

  12. When ready to serve, chop the mint leaves and stir into the tomato and strawberry jam.

  13. Place the ice cream base in the bowl of a mixer fitting with a paddle attachment. With the mixer going, add bashed up dry ice until ice cream forms. This should take approximately 1 minute.

  14. Place a little jam in the bottom of 6 glass bowls, spoon some of the ice-cream on top and finish by adding more jam on top.


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