• 6servings
  • 90minutes
  • 231calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, P
MineralsSelenium, Copper, Natrium, Chromium, Silicon, Iron, Sulfur, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 tablespoon(s) extra-virgin olive oil

  2. 2/3 cup(s) finely diced celery

  3. 1/3 cup(s) finely diced onion

  4. 12 ounce(s) cremini mushrooms , finely chopped

  5. 1 large egg , at room temperature, lightly beaten

  6. 1 1/2 pound(s) 93%-lean ground turkey

  7. 1/3 ounce(s) dried porcini mushrooms (1/2 cup) , ground to a powder in a spice grinder

  8. 1/3 cup(s) dry whole-wheat breadcrumbs , (see Tip)

  9. 2 tablespoon(s) tomato paste

  10. 1 tablespoon(s) Worcestershire sauce

  11. 2 teaspoon(s) fresh thyme or 1 teaspoon dried

  12. 1/2 teaspoon(s) salt

  13. 1/2 teaspoon(s) freshly ground pepper

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Coat a large rimmed baking sheet or roasting pan with cooking spray.

  2. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add celery and onion. Cook, stirring often, until softened, 2 to 3 minutes. Add cremini mushrooms. Cook, stirring occasionally, until they give off their moisture and it mostly evaporates, about 5 minutes. Pour into a large bowl; cool for 10 minutes.

  3. Stir in egg, turkey, ground porcini, breadcrumbs, tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce, thyme, salt and pepper until well combined, taking care not to overmix. Use a scant 3/4 cup to form an oval loaf about 4 inches long and 21/2 inches wide. Transfer to the prepared pan. Make 5 more loaves with the remaining mixture.

  4. Bake the loaves until lightly browned and an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center of one registers 165 degrees F, 35 to 40 minutes. Slice and serve.


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