• 4servings
  • 25minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B2, C, P
MineralsNatrium, Silicon, Calcium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Ingredient Name Unit Quantity

  2. cardamom

  3. piece 8 Chicken Big pieces

  4. grams 500 chilli powder

  5. tsp 1 cinnamon

  6. piece 8 small cloves

  7. piece 8 coriander leaves

  8. bunch 1 small coriander seeds

  9. cup 1/4 curry leaves

  10. 0 1 fistfull

  11. Fresh coconut

  12. cup 1/2 fried cashewnuts

  13. piece 10 ghee & oil

  14. grams 100 ginger garlic paste

  15. tbsp 1 green chillies

  16. 4 lime juice

  17. 3 - 4 limes

  18. Mint leaves

  19. bunch 1 onion sliced

  20. number

  21. 1 poppy seeds

  22. cup 1/8 salt

  23. tbsp 1 turmeric

  24. tsp 1/2 yoghurt

  25. grams 100

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Pulao masala: Broil Cinnamon and Cloves, add Corriander seeds and broil till they are hot and remove from flame. Broil Kuskasa and keep aside. Powder them separately. Mix them well and when cold store it for use with chicken curry, palav, aalu curry etc. Slice half of fresh coconut to thin pieces. Add water and grind to smooth paste. Add 4 table spoons masala powder and grind to smooth paste. Wash chicken and drain water. Marinate it with Chilli powder, one tea spoon salt, one strand of curry leaves, one table spoon of sliced onion and curd. Method: Boil masala paste and water together ( one rice : two water). Take Masala water without sediments. To a hot cooker add Ghee and Oil and when heated add cloves and cinnamon. Add onion slices and curry leaves fry till transparent.Add masala water without sediments. Add turmeric, salt, green chillies sliced. After boiling add washed and drained rice. Mix and cover. When it boils and cooks a little add marinated chicken mix and cover and cook. When the rice is cooked but has a bit of water ( before completely cooked) add two tablespoons ghee, chopped corriander leaves(cillantro), powdered cardomom, fried cashew nuts, mix well and cover and cook inlow flame. Keep shifting the position of cooker so that the flame is on different parts to avoid burning the rice( for 10 mts). Open cooker see if cooked completely, if not cook for some more time in low flame.


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