Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 250 g green gram dal , soaked overnite and washed and coarsely grounded

  2. 1 C ghee

  3. 1 C sugar

  4. 1 lr milk

  5. 100 g mawa ( Boil milk and add a pinch of baking soda , stirring continuouslyRemove and cool )

  6. Pinch of saffron essence

  7. Pinch of saffron colour

  8. 2 green cardamom

  9. Pinch of cinnamon

  10. 2 cloves

  11. Few almonds

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Fry the cinnamon , cardamoms and cloves .

  2. Add the ground dal and fry until golden brown .

  3. Reduce heat and add milk .

  4. When thickens , add sugar and saffron .

  5. Fry till ghee separates .

  6. Add mawa , mix well and remove from heat .

  7. Garnish with almonds .


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