Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 450 g lean belly pork

  2. 250 g chick-peas, tinned

  3. 200 g hominy, tinned

  4. 1/2 small chicken

  5. 2 bay leaves

  6. 2 litres water

  7. 1 onion

  8. 1 chicken stock cube

  9. 1 garlic bulb

  10. 1/2 tsp ground cumin

  11. Pepper

  12. Salt

  13. 2 tbsp tomato puree

  14. Dried oregano

  15. Chillies, to taste

  16. 1/2 small white cabbage

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Break the garlic bulb into the individual cloves but do not peel. Put the chick-peas into a pan with a little water and bring to the boil. Then set aside and leave to cool.

  2. Peel and finely chop the onion. Trim and shred the cabbage. Wash and crush the chillies.

  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan and brown the pork rind. Then put the pork and chicken into a large pan, cover with water and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and add the onion, stock cube, bay leaves and garlic. Cover and cook over a medium heat for about 2 hours, or until the meat is tender. Add the cabbage for the last 45 minutes.

  4. Then take the meat out of the pan and leave to cool. Bone the chicken and cut the chicken and pork into pieces. Skim the layer of fat from the top of the broth and remove the bay leaves. Add the drained chick-peas, hominy and tomato puree to the broth. Season with salt, pepper and cumin and return to the boil.

  5. Put the meat into soup plates, add the oregano and chillies and ladle the hot broth over. Serve.


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