• 15minutes
  • 175calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

MineralsSelenium, Natrium, Phosphorus, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 453 1/29 g ground turkey

  2. 4.92 ml salt

  3. 9.85 ml sage

  4. 4.92 ml fennel seed

  5. 4.92 ml thyme

  6. 4.92 ml black pepper

  7. 2.46 ml white pepper

  8. 2.46 ml cayenne

  9. 1 1/53 ml garlic powder

  10. 1/29 ml ground cloves

  11. 1/29 ml nutmeg

  12. 1/29 ml allspice

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Combine all ingredients (use less pepper if you don't want a spicy taste) and blend well.

  2. If time permits, refrigerate overnight to let the meat absorb the flavor of the spices.

  3. Form into patties and cook as needed, freezing leftovers.

  4. Don't overcook or they will dry out--remove from the heat as soon as they're no longer pink inside, but still juicy. (if you prefer a moister texture, you add a splash of olive oil or an egg to the mixture just prior to cooking).


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