Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 box cake mixes made according to package (eggs, oil, and water)baked in 9 inch cake pans (makes 4 - 1 inch high) Let completely cool after the come out of oven. Then dump on cooling rack. Quickly turn over so flat side (or bottom) of cake is down. Onc

  2. 2 cans vanilla frosting plus

  3. 2c powdered sugar mixed well.

  4. For Rolled Butter Cream mix equal parts (1c) corn syrup, shortening, adding powdered sugar until pliable dough

  5. Icing food coloring gel or paste 2 different shades of green, black, blue, brown, and pink

  6. Small piece of wire to mount fly

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Stack your cake frosting them with a crumb layer then refrigerate. You will want to divide your frosting for your blue water, green cattail leaves, and a small amount for brown cat tails and then mix your colors. First frost your cake with blue water. With a leaf tip make your cat tail leaves can use round tip to make some stalks. Use a small round tip for brown cattail ends.

  2. Divide rolled butter cream into 3rds 1 part green for lily pads, 1 part green for frogs, 1 part for accents such as pink flowers and tongues, black spots, frog eyes and fly, and white for eyes, and wings. Use your frosting colors and work it into your dough until you get desired color. Make sure you keep dough covered it will start to dry out. I kept mine in sandwiches bags until I was ready for it.

  3. To make lily pads roll in ball and flatten like a pancake. I used scissors to clip out part to make like a lily pad and for veins. Smooth as you go with your fingers. Also used scissors to cut leaf/oval shape for lily flowers and later wings of fly. Just working them together to make flowers. Make fly shape add your white wings on and strips. Use green from frogs for eyes on fly. After fly is formed carefully attach to wire bending if need.

  4. For Frogs Roll 1 1/2 in log taking pinky and rolling on one end making indent and bending it up to make head. Use a toothpick to make noise and mouth. Legs are rolled skinny snakes bent to legs under frog. I put legs down 1st then added frogs body. Positioning as need. Making tongues out of pink and sliding them into slit of mouth. Add black spots to your frogs body. Eyes are small round white balls with black dot for pupil.

  5. To make eyelids take small amount of green and make a thin pancake with fingers and gently apply over eyeballs. To make eyelashes roll small skinny snake of dough in fingers cut into 3 parts with a toothpick and gently apply behind eyeballs. Use a toothpick to make indents on frogs feet. These small details really bring your frogs to life."


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