• 4servings
  • 60minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B2, C, D
MineralsNatrium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1.8kg chicken

  2. 2 lemons

  3. 8 cloves garlic

  4. 50g soft butter

  5. 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind

  6. 1 tablespoon chopped fresh lemon thyme

  7. teaspoon salt

  8. 2 small (600g) fennel

  9. 4 sticks celery

  10. 2 medium (240g) carrots

  11. cup (60ml) chicken stock

  12. NOTE: This recipe is best made close to serving.

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preheat the oven to hot (220C). Wash chicken, remove excess fat from inside neck cavity and remove giblets or neck if necessary. Pat dry with absorbent paper.

  2. Cut lemons in quarters. Place two lemon quarters and 2 peeled cloves of garlic inside cavity of chicken.

  3. Combine butter, 2 chopped cloves of peeled garlic, lemon rind, thyme and salt in a small bowl. Rub all over chicken. Place chicken in a large oiled baking dish and roast for 20 minutes.

  4. Meanwhile, cut fennel into quarters. Cut celery into large chunks; cut carrots in half lengthways then in half crossways. Place the vegetables, remaining lemon quarters, remaining unpeeled garlic and stock around chicken in dish. Roast for a further 50 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. Remove chicken from the dish, cover with foil and stand for 10 minutes.

  5. Increase the oven temperature to very hot (250C). Roast vegetables for further 15 minutes or until browned.

  6. Serve chicken with the vegetables and pan juices.

  7. Not suitable to freeze. Not suitable to microwave.

  8. Photography by Brett Stevens.


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