Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. vanilla cakes -

  2. 125 g butter (softened)

  3. 1/2 c castor sugar

  4. 1/2 tsp vanilla essence

  5. 2 eggs (lightly beaten)

  6. 2 c self raising flour (sifted)

  7. 1/2 c milk

  8. Vienna icing-

  9. 125g butter (softened)

  10. 1 1/2 c icing sugar (sifted)

  11. 2 tbsp milk

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑


  2. Cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.

  3. Add vanilla essence and eggs until smooth.

  4. Fold through sifted flour and milk alternatively.

  5. Placed into patty cases fill abput 3/4 way.

  6. Cook for approximately 20 minutes or until skewer comes out clean.


  8. Mix together sifted flour and icing sugar and add milk. Stir until thick and smooth. Add colours.

  9. Decorations-

  10. DALMATION-White Icing 2 blue smarties for eyes and brown writing icing pupils halved white marshamallow for ears Mini pink marshmallows for nose red writing icing mouth and mini red m&m tongue Deocrate with about 6 choc chips.

  11. PATCH PUPPY-Chocolate Icing 2 halved Chocolate wafer biscuit ears halved lengthways white marshamallow for patch 2 black smarties and brown writing icing pupils 1 brown smartie nose red writing icing mouth with red mini m&m tongue FROG-green icing 1 jube halved lengthways for eye, with 2 mini m&m pupils 2 blue writing icing drops for nostrils CHICKEN-Yellow icing.

  12. Use 2 red and 1 orange jelly bean for the top thingo 2 black smartie eyes with brown pupils 1 yellow jelly bean beak PIG-pink icing 2 halved pink marshmallows for ears 2 pink smarties for eyes with brown pupils 1 pink marshmallow snout with red nostrils red smile LAMB-White Icing halved white marshmallo9w ears 2 yellow smartie eyes with blue pupils pink mini marshmallow nose red smile 10 halved lengthways white mini marshmallows for outside (double up inbetween ears)

  13. OWL-CHocolate Icing.

  14. yellow smarties for eyes 1 licorice allsort orange triangle for beak 2 mini orange m&m's for feet (sticking out)

  15. Desicated coocnut for wings RABBIT-chocolate icing.

  16. pink marshmallow halved lengthway for ears 2 blue smarties for eyes with brown pupils 2 pink mini m&m's for nostrils 6 licorice strips for whiskers 2 tic tac teeth MOUSE-grey icing (red and blue)

  17. halved lengthway white marshmallow 2 green smarties for eyes with brown pupils 1 brown smartie nose (toward bottom of cake)

  18. small licorice strips (pointing uowards)

  19. ELEPHANT-grey icing 1 choclate wafer biscuit halved for ears 2 brown smarties for eyes 1/2 jelly snake for trunk 2 tic tacs for tusks LADY BEETLE-red icing 1 white large choc drop for head 2 blue mini m&m's for eyes and green pupils 1 long licorice strip separating rest of body decorate with about 8 choc chips CATERPILLAR- Blue ICing 5 Multicolour smarties. anycolour writing icing for pupils. Use tiny licorice strips for antennas and 6 for remaning 4 legs.

  20. on first and last.

  21. BUTTERFLY-blue icing 2 licorice strip antennas 1/2 jelly snake for body 1 halved kengthway marshmallow for upper wings 2 mini marshmallows for lower wings use icing writing to decorate PAWPRINT-BLue ICing 1 large white choc drop 4 choc chips BEE- Yellow Icing 1 white choc drop for head 2 green mini m&ms and blue pupils 2 blue jelly bean wings 6 large licorcie strips for stripes CAT-Pink icing Pink layer of licorice allsort halved for ears 2 green pupils with brwon pupils 1 pink smartie nose 6 licorice strip whiskers red smile BEAR-Choclate Iciing halved white choc droip for ears 2 black smarties for eyes and brown pupils 1 white choc drop with a mini brown m&m and red smile on it.

  22. FISH-Orange Icing use 3 different coloured triangular licoirce allsorts for tail and fins'

  23. smartie eye with brown pupil.

  24. red jelly beans for open mouth 3 smarties to deocrate and writing icing FLOWER-green icing 2 1/2 marshmallows halved lengthways for petals 1 yellow smartie for bud KOALA-grey Icing White marshamallow halved for ears 2 black smartie eyes with brown writing icing 1 black jelly bean nose


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