• 8servings
  • 60minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids
VitaminsA, B1, B2, B3, B6, H, C, P
MineralsSelenium, Zinc, Iodine, Fluorine, Silicon, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 750 grams (1.6 lbs) of pumpkin diced into cubes

  2. 750 grams (1.6 lbs) of butternut squash cubed

  3. 1/2 tsp of chill paste

  4. 1 chili inely chopped(I was out of Birdseye so I used a scotch bonnet which made it very spicy)

  5. 6 cups chicken stock

  6. 1 400 ml (13 1/2 ounces) can of coconut milk

  7. olive oil

  8. 4-5 cloves of garlic finely chopped

  9. 1 large onion finely chopped

  10. cilantro also known as coriander

  11. 1 tsp of turmeric

  12. 1 tsp of ground cumin

  13. splash of fish sauce

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. First you throw a splash of oil in a large pot and cook the onions and garlic for around 10 minutes.

  2. After the ten minutes throw in the coriander and chili and stir until fragrant.

  3. When the previous is done, put in the 1/2 teaspoon of chili paste, the cumin and the turmeric and continue to stir.

  4. After the onions and garlic seem to have a fair coating of the spices, it's time to add the squash and pumpkin cubes and stir till they are well coated.

  5. Cover and leave on a low heat for half an hour.

  6. When you come back you should see a soft brown mess.

  7. Give it a stir then add the stock and a splash of fish sauce. Then leave it to simmer for another hour.

  8. Here's what we have after an hour:

  9. Give it another stir and add the coconut milk.

  10. Stir and simmer for 15 minutes.

  11. Puree the mixture til smooth.

  12. And voila here you have Thai spiced pumpkin soup.

  13. Add salt and pepper to taste and garnish with some sliced chili(taste first though cos mine turned out spicy enough without this as a garnish) and coriander.

  14. Now that you have learned how to make thai spiced pumpkin soup, please be sure to view these other soup recipes . Also, you will love these Thai recipes .


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