Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 liter of milk

  2. 6 - 8 slices of bread

  3. 1 to 1 1/2 cup sugar

  4. 1 cup milk powder

  5. 2-3 green cardamom (discard its shell/skin,ground seeds)

  6. ghee / oil for shallow-frying

  7. 8-10 pistachios (sliced thin vertically)

  8. 5 almonds (sliced thin vertically)

  9. yellow food color

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Fry the slices of bread in a little oil until light brown(till it turns crispy, taking care not to over brown them).

  2. Remove ,cut these bread slices diagonally and set it aside.

  3. Combine milk, milk powder, sugar ,color and cardamom.

  4. Bring it to boil and reduce heat to medium.

  5. Keep simmering until the milk gets thickened(this might take 15 minutes).

  6. Arrange the bread slices in the milk and bring to boil. Turn once to coat both sides. Let milk thicken.Remove from heat.

  7. Now arranged the soaked bread slices on the platter or plate where you want to serve.

  8. Decorate it with chopped/sliced nuts. Serve it cold.


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