Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. For the sauce

  2. 2 tbsp olive oil

  3. 1 onion, chopped

  4. 1 garlic clove, crushed

  5. 1 celery stick, finely chopped

  6. 1 can (about 400g) no-salt-added chopped tomatoes

  7. For the pasta and beans

  8. 350g (12oz) spaghetti

  9. 2 cans (about 400g each) chickpeas, drained and rinsed

  10. 1/2 tsp Tabasco sauce, or to taste

  11. 175g (6oz) baby spinach leaves

  12. pepper to taste

  13. 55g (2oz) pecorino cheese, freshly grated

  14. fresh parsley leaves to garnish

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. To make the sauce, heat the olive oil in a heavy saucepan, add the onion and garlic, and cook over a moderate heat, stirring occasionally, for 3–4 minutes or until softened.

  2. Add the celery and sauté, stirring, for 1–2 minutes, then stir in the chopped tomatoes with their juice and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and leave to simmer gently, stirring occasionally, for about 15 minutes or until thick.

  3. Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti in a large pan of boiling water according to the packet instructions.

  4. When the sauce is cooked, stir in the chickpeas and Tabasco sauce. Add the spinach leaves and simmer, stirring, for 1–2 minutes or until the spinach wilts. Season with pepper to taste.

  5. Drain the spaghetti and toss with the chickpeas and tomato sauce. Serve immediately, sprinkled with the pecorino cheese and parsley.


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