Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1/2 bag lg. shell noodles

  2. 1 whole bag/box curly noodles

  3. 1 lb. sm. or med. fresh shrimp

  4. 1/2 sm. jar green olives, to your taste

  5. Dill pickles to taste

  6. Whole bushel green onions, chopped

  7. 4 stalks celery

  8. 5 or 6 hard-boiled eggs

  9. Crabmeat to taste

  10. Best Foods mayonnaise to taste

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Cook pasta; rinse well. DO NOT OVER COOK. Chop pickles, onions, celery, eggs (do not separate). Add pasta. Mix. Add shrimp and crabmeat; mix together. Add mayonnaise, garlic, salt, and pepper to taste. Chill 1 hour. Ready to eat with crackers or bread sticks.


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