Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 Jar sharp cheese (5 oz. )

  2. 1 Cream cheese (8 oz. package)

  3. c

  4. White dry wine

  5. 1 cn

  6. 8 1/2 oz. size

  7. Worcestershire sauce 1/4

  8. Garlic salt 1/2

  9. ts

  10. Cayenne pepper

  11. French bread, cut in cubes

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. In top of double boiler, combine cheese until melted and smooth.

  2. Add remaining ingredients.

  3. Stir well.

  4. If thickens, add more wine.

  5. Should make about 2 1/2 cups.


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