• 8servings
  • 90minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B2, B3, B9, B12, C, D
MineralsZinc, Copper, Natrium, Chromium, Potassium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 large stock pot filled with waterPut however much water you want into, you can always add more later, but make sure there's enough room for all of the ingredients!

  2. 1 small cabbage or half of a large cabbageChopped into medium size pieces. (put some variety into the sizes if you want a nice home made look)

  3. 2-4 medium potatoes cut into chunks, peeling not necessary. You may use any kind, I prefer red or Idaho.

  4. Enough veggies to throw in. About 1 cup each of carrots and celeryOther veggies may be used but it's all up to personal preference.

  5. 5-10 chicken bouillon cubesIf you want to use broth , make sure not to use as much waterThis part is really to taste.

  6. 3 beef bouillon cubes

  7. Half a pound of regular bacon cut into small pieces, cooked without seasonings


  9. The following seasonings to taste:

  10. salt

  11. pepper

  12. garlic powder

  13. seasoned salt

  14. lemon pepper

  15. italian seasoning

  16. ground thyme

  17. ground sage

  18. Dehydrated chives

  19. dried parsley flakes

  20. And anything else you find in the cupboard.

  21. You can also meat in this recipe, ground beef seems to be a good addition, but chicken or pork can obviously be used as long as it's flavor doesn't overwhelm the cabbage , which I doubt it will.

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Basically, throw everything in a pot and season to taste. We usually add about a quarter cup of the grease from frying the bacon to the pot.

  2. Boil for about twenty minutes or until potatoes are cooked.

  3. You may need to add more salt after they cook, since they absorb salts.

  4. My family likes it with a lot of pepper in it.

  5. The cabbage should be soft but not limp and the potatoes should be firm but not grainy.

  6. The servings really depend on how much you put into it, it's not hard to increase it, just add more sutff!


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