• 4servings
  • 25minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B6, H, C, D
MineralsNatrium, Chromium, Iron, Magnesium, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Capsicum (chopped into long pieces) -3cups

  2. (Chopped) onions-1/4cup (and 1/4 cup)

  3. Green chillies (peppers) -2

  4. chopped cilantro/coriander-1/2 cup

  5. (Fresh) coconut (slices)-1/2 cup

  6. Green peas-1/4cup

  7. dry coconut powder -2tsp

  8. Cumin seeds/ jeera-1/2tsp

  9. Mustard seeds (avalu)-1/2tsp

  10. Chana dal (split gram dal/ senaga pappu)-1tsp

  11. Urad dal (split black garm dal/minapa pappu)-1tsp

  12. Ginger 1(1 inch) piece

  13. Cumin powder -1/2tsp

  14. coriander powder-1/2tsp

  15. garlic flakes 2

  16. Turmeric powder- (Pinch)

  17. Salt to taste

  18. cinnamon-1 (stick)

  19. cardamom- 3 cloves

  20. bay leaves-2 (big)

  21. Tamarind- (1/2 lemon size)

  22. cloves-3

  23. Chili powder-1/2tsp

  24. Red chili-1

  25. (vegetable oil) butter-3tsp

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Heat 1ts of oil in a pan and add all spices cinnamon + cardamom + cloves + bay leaves and saute until they change color under medium flame.

  2. Now add cumin seeds + mustard seeds + urad dal + chana dal + red chili and saute until they splutter.

  3. Toss in onions + green chili + ginger + garlic + cumin and coriander powder+ salt +cilantro and coconut slices and saute until the onion turn transparent.

  4. Take all this mixture in a Mixer and grind them into fine paste along with tamarind.

  5. Now take a pan and heat 2ts of oil and add remaining 1/4 cup onions and saute until they turn transparent.

  6. Toss in chopped capsicum and green peas and cook under medium flame by closing lid.

  7. when the capsicum is cooked add the grinded mixture to the capsicum and mix well add water if required.

  8. cook this mixture under medium flame until oil starts leaving the mixture.

  9. Finally add a pinch of garam masala if you wish to be too spicy, other wise garnish with cilantro and the curry is ready to serve.


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